
The key to understanding the undercurrent
Instruments that align with our three-layered approach. Specifically designed for working on each layer. Clear and comprehensive. Based on the DriveDNA™ with the scientific theory of Prof. Clare W. Graves as the primary source. We translate theory into practically deployable instruments for effective development of individuals, teams, and organizations. All instruments are flexible and seamlessly integrate with each other, regardless of which layer you start with. You determine your starting point based on the application.
For developers
As a developer, you work in a process-oriented manner and determine your starting point on the collective, team, or individual layer. Your choice depends on the situation and what aligns best with it. You can add other layers at any time and expand the development journey both in depth and breadth. Spiral Drives makes it possible.
Collective drivesDNA™
Insight into the deepest undercurrent of teams and organizations. Grip on culture, energy and identity as the ground work for successful, strategic development.
Team drivesDNA™
Teams work best where team members build on each others’ strengths. Spiral Drives shows you the underlying patterns so you can optimize team dynamics. This is THE route to vital and successful teams.
Individual drivesDNA™
Getting the best out of yourself and others starts with your drivesDNA™. Improve your personal leadership, communication and teamwork. Get in control of yourself.
For specialists
If you're a psychologist, coach, or counselor, you might need more deterministic instruments based on classical test psychometrics. Through close collaboration with our NIP psychologists, you can also find these with us.